WHAT IS CUTRINE-PLUS? CUTRINE-PLUS is an algaecide which controls existing algae and inhibits rapid re-infestation. Cutrine-plus is available in individual one gallon bottles or by the case. Each case contains four one gallon bottles.
CUTRINE-PLUS also acts as a herbicide in controlling the rooted underwater weed Hydrilla Verticillata.
CUTRINE-PLUS is U.S. E.P.A. registered for use in drinking water reservoirs, farm fish and industrial ponds, golf course water hazards, lakes, fish hatcheries and raceways, irrigation water conveyance systems such as canals, laterals and ditches.
Label (pdf)
MSDS Sheet (pdf)

CUTRINE-PLUS- is applied at a rate of 0.6 gallon per acre-foot (43,560 cubic feet) of water to be treated for planktonic and filamentous algae, 1.2 gallons per acre-foot for Chara and Nitella and 1.2 to 3.0 gallons per acre-foot for Hydrilla.
CUTRINE-PLUS should be diluted with at least 9 parts of water to facilitate even distribution during application. Surface spray is most practical for treatment of planktonic and filamentous algae. Bottom-growing algae should be treated by underwater injection or by application of CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR. Hydrilla can be treated by surface spray or underwater injection.
*You should check your Local and State laws before using this or any other product.
*New York residents must obtain permit before purchasing any EPA registered Product.