SONAR AS - This product has limited restrictions.
REWARD - 2-3 days on Drinking - 1-3 days on Live Stock - 2-3 days on Turf - 5 days on Crops.
Always read label and follow all safety precautions related to this product.
Effective Solutions for Duckweed, Submerged and Emerged Vegetation.
acts as a contact killer in plants by disrupting cellular membranes. Surfactant is recommended for use with this product.
APPLICATION RATE FOR REWARD: Normally 2 2/3 oz. per gallon. Spray directly on emergent and submerged vegetation. Be aware of drift and applying on desireable vegetation. Never treat more than 1/3 of your body of water at a time giving 7-10 days between treatments. These rates may not be applicable for your circumstance or situation. Use recommended rates & percentages on label.
APPLICATION RATE FOR SONAR AS: 1 pint = 1/2 acre - 1 quart = 1 acre. Sonar can be tank mixed applied as a submerged treatment.
*Either product is effective on Duckweed
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