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Trophy Grower Liquid Pond Fertilizer

Fertilizer is used to establish a plankton bloom in your water. Plankton is the first step in the food chain in any pond or lake. All new reproduction will feed on plankton until they are able to forage on other fish. The availability of plankton in your water will increase the growth rate of your new reproduction, in turn increasing their survival rates.

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Kasco F3400H/VF - 3/4 HP

Dunn’s "Trophy Grower" Liquid Pond Fertilizer is simple to apply, and in most ponds and lakes plankton can be established in only two or three applications. Make Dunn’s Trophy Grower a part of your management program today and see your pond become a more productive, healthy environment.

Pond fertilizer is sold by the case. Each case contains 4, 1 gallon bottles.

Price $35.00 per case


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