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Types Of Fish With Pictures and Descriptions

The fish listed are fish that are available for delivery on our route trucks throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, Nebraska, and New Mexico. Coppernose are not available in northern states. 



REDEAR (Shellcracker)






Scroll down to view a description and picture of each fish we carry. Once you make a decision on the types of fish you want to stock then visit our Stocking Rates page for recommended stocking densities and visit our current pricing page to find the best values in live fish.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call (800) 433-2950 for immediate assistance or email us and we will reply within 24 hours! We have consultants on staff and look forward to assisting you with your pond & lake management needs.

Free Consultation Available

If you are uncertain which fingerling fish are best suited for your pond or lake, feel free to contact us via email. All inquiries will be responded to within 24 hours, 7 days per week!

For immediate service, call 1-800-433-2950 Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM CST, and Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST.
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Largemouth Bass

(micropterus salmoides)

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Considered by many to be one of the most enjoyable fish to angle, Largemouth Bass are the most sought after fish on the market today. When stocked properly with an adequate supply of Hybrid Bluegill and Fathead Minnows, these fish may grow as much as 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per season.

At Dunns Fish Farm the Largemouth Bass is our "Signature Fish". We are known throughout the industry for our many accomplishments with this fish. When you buy a Largemouth Bass from Dunns you will know that you are getting the best bass on the market today, from the best possible blood lines. Speak with one of our consultants today to find out how you can establish a successful Bass fishery in your pond or lake.

Hybrid Bluegill

(lepomis macrochirus)

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This fish is the number one stocked sport fish today. The Hybrid Bluegill is crossed between a male bluegill and female green sunfish. This particular cross produces a fish with the large mouth of the sunfish and the aggressiveness of the bluegill, which enables the fish to grow faster and larger than common bream. This unique combination is ideally suited for children learning to fish, all the way up to the fly fisherman looking for a new challenge.

This fish will reproduce twice per year which makes it ideally suited for feeding a new or existing bass population. However, this fish will reproduce at 90% male so it won't take over your pond like most bream. It will feed on a commercial feed with annual growth rates of up to 1/2 to 3/4 pound per season. With a good management program in place these fish can reach weights of 2 to 2 1/2 pounds and exceptional fish will reach the weight of 3 pounds or greater!  Make the Hybrid Bluegill a part of your management program and reap the rewards for years to come.

Redear (Shellcracker)

REDEAR (Shellcracker)
(lepomis microlophus)

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Redear is a sunfish with a relatively small mouth. Redears distinctive colors range from olive green on top,  to an almost white near its belly. The side of the readear is yellow to green. Redear (Shellcracker) behave differently from other sunfish. They rarely approach the surface for top water baits or lures. They in most cases are caught using bait such as earthworms and grubs.    However, redear will feed upon snails, insect larvae and will be found  in areas where aquatic vegetation exist. Redear are stocked not only as sport fish but also as a solution to worm infestations commonly found in sport fish.  Shellcrackers growth rate will average a 1/4 pound per season and only a few will survive more than six summers.

Black Crappie

(pomoxis nigromaculatus)

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There are two types of crappie that are most common, the Black Crappie and the White Crappie. The Whites are much more prolific than the Black. White Crappie in most cases, take over smaller ponds and lakes. White Crappie should never be stocked in impoundments less than 100 acres. Black Crappie can be stocked in ponds as small as 1 acre without any concern of overpopulation. Since they don't propagate to the extent that the White Crappie do, you will find the average Black Crappie will grow faster and get larger than the average White Crappie.

The Black Crappie is a fish that offers an excellent sporting quality, and are even more enjoyable on the table than they are in the pond. These fish will not feed on a commercial feed, but with a good supply of Fathead Minnows and Hybrid Bluegill they will grow at a rate of 1/4 to 1/2 pound per growing season. A large Black Crappie is by far the most attractive sport fish you can have in your pond. When properly managed, this fish will add color to your pond or lake not found in most waters.

Channel Catfish

(ictalurus punctatus)

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The Channel Catfish are one of the easiest fish to manage in your pond. They can feed on a live forage or you can supplement with a commercial feed. Supplemental feeding will often allow the catfish to achieve growth rates sometimes exceeding 1 1/2 pounds per season. When feeding a commercial feed on a regular basis, their meat will be as clean, white, and as well marbled as any fish in the pond. Many people consider a commercial fed catfish to have a table quality second to none! Another advantage to commercial feeding a Channel Catfish is that they will feed on top of the water allowing people of all ages to enjoy the fish even more.

These fish can be stocked independently or as part of a combination stocking with Largemouth Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, and Black Crappie. When stocked properly the Channel Catfish will not have any negative effects on reproduction or growth rates of the other fish in your pond.

Grass Carp

(ctenopharyngodon idella)

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When it comes to vegetation control in your pond, chemicals, if not used properly, can cause irreparable harm to your water quality and fish population. Chemicals will also most likely have to be re-applied several times per year. For these reasons, we always strongly recommend the Grass Carp for vegetation control.

The Grass Carp will not reproduce, or harm the reproduction of other fish in the pond. They eat 3 times their body weight in moss and vegetation per day. The vegetation is sucked through the mouth to the "teeth" in the throat, this way the pond is not muddied by pulling the moss out by the roots. The rooted vegetation will continue to grow back while the Grass Carp keep it maintained. Their average growth rate is 2-5 pounds per season. These fish will need to be re-stocked every 5 to 7 years on the average.

Fathead Minnows

(pimephales promelas)

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For any pond or lake manager the Fathead Minnows should be the most important fish in their management program. The Fathead Minnow is a plankton feeder, but it will also feed very actively on mosquito larva and on commercial feed. These fish will not get over 3 inches long, so unlike many types of minnows, the Fathead will never turn into a predator. They have a life span of 14 months and will reproduce a minimum of 3 to 4 times before the end of their life cycle. They are very high in protein, insuring a high conversion rate, and they are slow top-water swimmers, so all your sport fish will benefit. These characteristics make this fish perfect for any pond or lake.

The Fathead Minnow will enhance your pond life in many ways. It will help keep your pond in balance by giving all of your smaller reproduction something to feed on, in turn increasing their survival and growth rates. All of the larger fish will also experience a faster growth rate by feeding on the Fatheads. The better your Fathead Minnow base, the faster everything in your pond will grow. It's almost impossible to overstock on Fatheads, so the more you have, the more your sport fish will benefit.

When trying to manage any pond or lake the Fathead Minnow will be a tremendous asset to you and your fish. Help keep your pond in balance, put the Fathead Minnow to work for you today.


(cyprinus carpio)

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Koi raising is the most enjoyable benefit of managing your own pond or lake. These fish will actually become your pets after just a few short days! The Koi fish is almost indescribable with it's brilliant colors and unique patterns. These fish enjoy nothing more than coming up and taking a cracker or piece of bread out of a Childs hand! They can often be found waiting near the shore line for their owner to arrive, almost like a dog that might wait for his dinner at the back door! The Koi without a doubt, are the most personable of fish. They are a fish the whole family will enjoy for years to come.

A Koi, like other fish, will grow to its environment. In a pond or lake the Koi will eclipse the 12 inch mark in less than 24 months. These fish are expected to have reached half of what their maximum size will be by the time they are 24 months old. Their annual growth rate and maximum growth potential will decrease considerably if they are held in a water garden or similar environment.


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