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Pond and Lake Water Treatments
Dunns's Offers Remedies for Many Types of Water Quality Problems

AQUASHADE inhibits plant and algae growth

AQUASHADE-OA inhibits plant and algae growth in ornamental applications

CLEARIGATE controls unwanted pond vegetation

CUTRINE-PLUS LIQUID algaecide which controls existing algae and inhibits rapid re-infestation

CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR especially formulated algaecide for the control of Chara, Nitella, and other bottom growing algae

AQUASHADOW beautifies murky, cloudy or off-colored water with a natural aqua-blue tint.

AQUATRINE algaecide controls problem-producing algae and inhibits rapid reinfestation within fish and shrimp aquaculture systems.

NAVIGATE selectively controls some of the most troublesome aquatic plants such as water milfoil, coontail, and spatterdock.

SEPTICTRINE Septic and waste water treatment

STOCKTRINE-II specially formulated for use in stock watering tanks, troughs and ponds for controlling filamentous and planktonic algae

WEEDTRINE-D is a broad spectrum liquid aquatic herbicide

AQUA-PREP reduces pond sediment

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WHAT IS AQUASHADE? Aquashade is a blend of blue and yellow dyes specifically designed to screen or shade portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth. This action effectively inhibits photo-synthesis in young, bottom growth and may prevent development altogether if applied early enough in the season.

AQUASHADE is primarily effective at depths of two feet or greater. Inhibition of Planktonic (suspended) algae blooms has also been proven. Desirable, floating leaved plants such as lilies are unaffected if they have already surfaced and concentrated product does not contact leaves directly. No restrictions on swimming, fishing, irrigation or stock watering. Leaves water a pleasing blue color.

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WHAT IS CLEARIGATE? CLEARIGATE is a chelated copper formulation containing an emulsified surfactant/penetrant for highly effective control of coarse (thick cell-walled) filamentous algae, muscilaginous (colonial) planktonic algae, Chara and a variety of emergent, floating and submerged aquatic plants. Vegetation controlled includes: Cladophora, Pithophora, Lyngbya, Microcystis, Hydrilla, pondweeds, watermilfoil, naiad and other species having a sensitivity to copper absorption in conjunction with a penetrant. No water use restrictions during or following treatment.

a. CLEARIGATE is registered for use crop and non-crop irrigation conveyance systems: ditches, canals, laterals; potable water reservoirs; lakes; farm, fish golf course industrial and swimming ponds.

b. CLEARIGATE has no water use restrictions during or following application.

c. CLEARIGATE is NOT a Federally "RESTRICTED USE" pesticide.

d. CLEARIGATE mixes readily in the water for top-to bottom, side-to-side and downstream control. Adjuvant/emulsion technology increases contact time in flowing water.

e. CLEARIGATE saves time and money. Product can be applied by one applicator. Set up     systems can be left unattended.

f. CLEARIGATE is non-corrosive to equipment.

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    WHAT IS CUTRINE-PLUS? CUTRINE-PLUS is an algaecide which controls existing algae and inhibits rapid re-infestation. CUTRINE-PLUS also acts as a herbicide in controlling the rooted underwater weed Hydrilla verticillata.

a. CUTRINE-PLUS is U.S. E.P.A. registered for use in drinking water reservoirs, farm fish and industrial ponds, golf course water hazards, lakes, fish hatcheries and raceways, irrigation water conveyance systems such as canals, laterals and ditches.

b. CUTRINE-PLUS is far less corrosive to equipment and other metal surfaces than other chelated copper compounds.

c. CUTRINE-PLUS treated water can be used for swimming, domestic uses and livestock watering immediately after chemical application.

d. CUTRINE-PLUS treated water from lakes, ponds, irrigation systems and golf course water hazards may be used to irrigate turf, fairways, putting greens and ornamental plants.

e. Fish can be caught and consumed immediately after CUTRINE-PLUS application.

f. CUTRINE-PLUS will not plate-out or precipitate under normal storage conditions nor does the copper in CUTRINE-PLUS precipitate out and become ineffective in alkaline or hard water.

g. CUTRINE-PLUS has been used successfully in trout ponds which contained cold, hard water.

h. CUTRINE-PLUS is available in two formulations (liquid and granular) for controlling floating, suspended and bottom-growing types of algae.

i. CUTRINE-PLUS effectively controls the noxious submersed weed, Hydrilla verticillata, without requiring post-treatment water use restrictions associated with other herbicides.

j. CUTRINE-PLUS is compatible in tank mixes with the aquatic herbicides Weedtrine-D, Reward and Aquathol K.

k. CUTRINE-PLUS can be applied to flowing water using a continuous delivery drip system. It has been used effectively in trout raceways and irrigation canals

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CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR is a chelated copper algaecide especially formulated for the control of Chara, Nitella, and other bottom growing algae in potable water reservoirs, fire ponds, farm and fish ponds, golf course water hazards, lakes, and fish hatcheries. Water from treated lakes and ponds may be used to irrigate turf, fairways, putting greens, and ornamental plants. Also suited for treatment along docks, beaches, boat launches and fishing areas. Controls growth before it reaches the surface. 

a. The copper complex remains in solution to give longer lasting results. An average of 5.5 weeks control was obtained in actual field tests.

b. Only two or three applications per season are required depending upon the length of the growing season.

c. Is compatible with other aquatic herbicides.

d. There is no restriction on the use of the treated water after CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR application. It can be used immediately.

e. CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR can be toxic to trout, at the recommended application rates, if the water has less than 50 ppm of carbonate hardness (soft water).

f. CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR has low corrosion potential to application equipment.

g. CUTRINE-PLUS GRANULAR is formulated to release copper over an extended time period to provide control in flowing water situations.


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WHAT IS AQUASHADOW? AQUASHADOW is a blended formulation of water soluble dyes in convenient water soluble packs, designed for use in lakes, ponds, decorative water features and other impounded bodies of water with limited outflow. AQUASHADOW beautifies murky, cloudy or off-colored water with a natural aqua-blue tint.


AQUASHADOW contains Acid Blue 9 and Acid Yellow 23.

Water may be used for irrigation or fishing immediately following application.

Allow AQUASHADOW to disperse before swimming.

Do Not apply AQUASHADOW to water used for human consumption.

Treated water will not stain exposed surfaces.

Treated water will not harm fish, waterfowl, pets or wildlife.

Chlorinated water will cause fading, requiring high dosages or more frequent treatments.

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WHAT IS AQUATRINE? Aquatrine algaecide controls problem-producing algae and inhibits rapid reinfestation within fish and shrimp aquaculture systems. Benefits of algae control in aquaculture systems included reduced mortality, increased productivity and improved harvest conditions.

The exact formulation of Cutrine-Plus Liquid, but labeled specifically for use in fish and shrimp aquaculture facilities. Provides use instructions for ponds, tanks and raceway systems.


a. AQUATRINE is E.P.A. registered for use in ponds, tanks and raceways used for the culturing of fish and shrimp.

b. AQUATRINE is equally effective in fresh water, saltwater and brackish water since the mixed ethanolamine complexes prevent the reaction of copper with other chemical components in    the water.

c. Fish and shrimp may be harvested and/or consumed immediately after treatment.

d. There are no restrictions placed upon water uses following chemical application. Water may be used immediately for swimming, fishing, irrigating and drinking.

e. Unlike many chemicals, Aquatrine in non-corrosive to applicating equipment and other metal surfaces.

f. AQUATRINE is stable under normal storage conditions.

g. AQUATRINE is a broad-range algaecide. It controls both suspended and attached algae found within a variety of aquaculture systems.

h. AQUATRINE will not cloud the water when applied.

i. To increase herbicide effectiveness and reduce cost, Aquatrine can be compatibly tank-mixed with the aquatic herbicides Reward, Weedtrine-D, Aquathol K and Hydrothol 191.

j. AQUATRINE is completely water soluble and stable when diluted with water. This allows for the preparation of stock solutions to be used in small volume applications or drip systems.

k. Copper, the algaecidal ingredient in Aquatrine, is taken up rapidly by the algae.

l. AQUATRINE may be applied to either flow-through or static systems.


a. AQUATRINE needs natural light to be effective.

b. AQUATRINE is not completely effective against Pithophoras spp., Lyngbya spp. and some diatoms.

c. AQUATRINE can be toxic to trout and other aquatic organisms in soft water. Do not use in waters containing trout if carbonate hardness is below 50 ppm.

d. AQUATRINE should not be used in systems where bio-filters are utilized for water purification as microbial activity may be inhibited.

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WHAT IS NAVIGATE? NAVIGATE is a granular aquatic herbicide registered for use in lakes and ponds, which selectively controls some of the most troublesome aquatic plants such as water milfoil, coontail, and spatterdock.  Gradual release and systemic action ensures complete kill of the entire plant.


a. is a granular formulation containing 27.6% active ingredients. The active ingredient is the butoxyethyl ester of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid.

b. selectively controls some of the most troublesome aquatic plants such as watermilfoil, coontail, water stargrass and spatterdock.

c. readily sinks to the bottom around plants where it is most effective.

d. provides gradual release and systemic action for complete kill of entire plant.


a. NAVIGATE controls a large number of nuisance aquatic plants.

b. NAVIGATE controls weed for up to 1 or 2 years.

c. NAVIGATE has a low toxicity to fish and other aquatic organisms.

d. NAVIGATE can be used to spot treat along shorelines and beaches and around docks.


Restrictions vary from state to state. Contact your local fish and game agency in order to determine what restrictions may exist on fishing, swimming, irrigation, stock watering and water used for domestic purposes.


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SEPTICTRINE is a unique blend of enzymes and microorganisms for use in septic and waste treatment systems.
More information coming soon!

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Stocktrine-II is a chelated copper algicide specially formulated for use in stock watering tanks, troughs and ponds for controlling filamentous and planktonic algae.


Stocktrine-II controls existing algae (scum) growth in stock tanks, troughs and ponds, and prevents reinfestation when used as directed in a regular maintenance program.


-treated water can be used immediately for stock watering.

-when used regularly, will prevent algae re-growth.

-protects your stock from toxic algae which are known to inhabit stock waters.

-contains chelated copper which stays in solution longer than copper sulfate, thus providing a more effective algae kill.

-is easy and economical to use.

-has a low application rate - one quart will treat 8,000 gallons of stock water.

-is virtually non-corrosive to metal.

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Weedtrine-D is a broad spectrum liquid aquatic herbicide for use in and around still lakes, ponds, ditches, non-crop or non-planted areas. It contains 8.53% active diquat dibromide (6,7 dihydrodipyrido [1,2-a: 27, 17-c} pyrazinediium dibromide).


Weedtrine-D acts as a contact killer in plants by disrupting cellular membranes. Loss of these membranes allows the active ingredient to move into the plant and "short circuit" photosynthesis.


  • controls a broad range of aquatic plants including submerges, floating and emergent weeds and certain filamentous algae.
  • is specifically formulated for homeowner use for spot treatment of small weed patches or back yard ponds.
  • kills plants quickly through rapid absorption.
  • is easy to apply.
  • has a low toxicity to fish and other aquatic organisms.
  • is compatible in tank mixes with Cutrine-Plus algicide to increase effectiveness.
  • can be used in non-crop or non-planted areas such as around buildings, fence lines, driveways, patios, etc.


Waters treated with Weedtrine-D should not be used for irrigation, animal consumption or domestic purposes for 5 days after treatment.

Do not use Weedtrine-D in muddy waters as deactivation of active ingredient will occur.

See label for use site restrictions, specific use directions and additional precautions before using Weedtrine-D.

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Applied Biochemists is pleased to announce the re-introduction of a dilute Aquashade formulation in 2 ounce and 8 ounce packaging. This product, under the name AQUASHADE-OA (for Ornamental Application), is specifically designed to provide the same benefits of the concentrate only in smaller water systems. Use sites range from aquariums to garden ponds and fountains. The 2 ounce squeeze bottle with a dropper tip provides ease of application at the rate of one drop per gallon of water. The 8 ounce Bettix bottle contains a one ounce measuring chamber for simple dosing at the rate of 1 ounce per 1,000 gal. capacity.


DO NOT apply directly to streams, other natural bodies of water or any body of water not under total control of the user. Do not apply to water that will be used for human consumption. Do not use with filtration media that removes color.

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A specific blend of high-quality enzymes with non-ionic surfactants designed to increase the efficiency of naturally occurring microorganisms in reducing organic pond sediment (“muck”).



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